Payday loans after the cap. Are consumers getting a better deal? These consumers were more likely to have used other credit, missed payments on council tax, rent or utilities, or incurred bank fees and charges, than those who felt that being turned down had had no impact or a positive impact on their life.Payday loans were designed for predicaments like these to secure access to financial help fast, efficient and trouble-free. 12 month payday loans (personal) (1 year) – Easy Loan Near Me. The entire funding amount, once approved, is transferred by direct lenders to your nominated bank account.Payday Loans Online | Fast Cash For Emergencies. Stop waiting around for a lender who may or may not lend to you. A bank performs a hard credit check which if executed too often can affect your credit score. Payday advances are in advantageous as they may not receive checks on your credit.Payday loan companies that accept debit cards, even ssi debit cards or ssa debit cards, are hard to find because business is so profitable most don’t care to offer the additional service to help people out with debit card loans with no bank account. However, those that do it will be pleased to have your as.Only the AccountNow payday loan will work with an AccountNow prepaid card. One can find payday loans at any bank as long as the person requesting the loans has an approved credit score and as well an appropriate reason to take out the loan, any bank will supply such loan.